Contact View

Contact View - your donor's journey at a glance

With Contact View, you can access all the information you need to understand your donors and make informed decisions about your fundraising campaigns.

Contact View is accessible under Dataro Predict > Contact View or by clicking on a contact once you have built a list in List Builder.

Contact View provides a comprehensive overview of each donor, including their giving history, interactions with your organization, and Dataro predictions. This tool allows you to identify trends, patterns, and opportunities for engagement with your individual donors.

There are 4 main sections in Contact View.

Donor Profile

In the Donor Profile section, you'll find essential information about each donor.  This includes their name, age, gender, country, postal code, and whether or not contact details are available for them. You can also see their donor level (eg. major donor, mid-level donor) and current status (eg. active, lapsed). This section provides a quick snapshot of the donor's basic information and background.

You can also click on the link underneath the donor name which will take you to the donor's record in your CRM system. 

💡 As Dataro doesn't keep any Personally Identifiable Information (PII), we recommend clicking on the link to access your donor's contact details.

Predict Scores

The Predict Scores section offers insights into the donor's likelihood to engage in various activities based on the Dataro Predict modules you have purchased. Each score also includes the donor’s rank, helping you prioritize your engagement efforts based on their predicted behavior.

To find out more about why your model is predicting a certain behavior for your donor, simply click on "Show Prediction Reasons" to unfurl the reasons. 

The prediction reasons provide insight into the top 5 reasons behind the donor's rank/score. Dataro Predict models usually consist of 20-100 predictive features, offering a deeper understanding and transparency into your donor predictions. For more detailed information on model performance, refer to our Model Performance article.


The Metrics section highlights key giving statistics. This includes the number of days since the donor was acquired and the total number of gifts they have made. These metrics help you understand the donor's overall engagement and contribution history, providing context for their current and future potential.


The Journey section provides a timeline of the donor's interactions with your organization. You can see a chronological list of actions, such as sent letters, received gifts, and participation in campaigns. This timeline helps you track the donor’s engagement over time, allowing you to identify patterns and tailor your communication strategies accordingly.