How to leverage Dataro's Recommended Ask Amount in your FundraiseUp Donation page
When you send an Email or Mail appeal using the personalised Dataro Ask Amounts, and your donors then go onto your website, they will see a different ask amount. Use the following steps to ensure your ask amounts are personalised to the donor and consistent across channels, including FundraiseUp donation pages
(In this example we have tailored the ask to be a single gift of $75. We have also pre-filled the donors details for a seamless checkout experience)
The FundraiseUp URL:
FundraiseUp URLs can be created with specific parameters to include all the details above. They look like:
If you would like to add donor details you can also add the following arguments
For more details see FundraiseUp's documentation here
Creating the URL in Excel
You can use the following formula to create your URL, using the CONCATENATE function to combine the text:
=CONCATENATE("[ORG_WEBSITE]?form=[FORM_ID]&amount=",[Dataro Ask Amount CELL],"&firstName=",[FIRSTNAME CELL],"&lastName=",[LAST NAME CELL],"&email=",[EMAIL CELL], "&recurring=",[RECURRING], "&title=",[TITLE CELL])
Make sure you replace all the cell references with their correct location. Now you should have a full spreadsheet with a custom URL for every donor. That should look like the screenshot below. You can also access sample data and formula in this online Google Sheet